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منى عبد الهادي Folge

The importance of sunlight to living organisms Plants absorb light energy from the sun , water and salts from the soil , and carbon dioxide from the air This is called " photosynthesis process " Plant needs :- 1- Chloroplasts ( The green coloure ) 2- Light energy 3- Water and salts 4-Carbon dioxide To make their own food Photosynthesis process :- - It’s the process which the plants make their own food Producer organisms :- - Are the living organisms that can make their own food by them selves by photosynthesis consumers : are the living organisms depending on producers to get their food directly or directly Examples:- - Cows, sheep and chicken they feed on producers. - Lions, snake, and hawk they feed on consumers that feds on producers Decomposer get their food through decomposing the organic wastes such as dead bodies. Examples of decomposers :- 1- Some types of bacteria. 2- Some fungi such as bread fungus

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