من إعداد : ال طالب

محمد البرديسى تابع

Central Angles and Measuring Arcs An arc of a circle is a continuous portion of the circle. It consists of two endpoints and all the points on the circle between these endpoints. The symbol is used to denote an arc. This symbol is written over the endpoints that form the arc. Types of the Arcs There are 3 types of Arcs: Semicircle: an arc whose endpoints are the endpoints of a diameter. It is named using three points. The first and third points are the endpoints of the diameter, and the middle point is any point of the arc between the endpoints. Minor arc: an arc that is less than a semicircle. A minor arc is named by using only the two endpoints of the arc. Major arc: an arc that is more than a semicircle. It is named by three points. The first and third are the endpoints, and the middle point is any point on the arc between the endpoints. Central Angles Measure of the arc AB equals the measure of its central angle Length of the arc AB equals the circumference of the circle (2πr) multiplied by (its central angle/360). Inscribed Angles Measure of the arc AB equals double measure of its inscribed angle Length of the arc AB equals the circumference of the circle (2πr) multiplied by (2 x its inscribed angle/360). ملحوظة : جميع الصور المستخدمة عمل الpowerpoint designs ما عدا الtypes of arcs

:ملخص للدرس من اعداد محمد البرديسى

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