Thema erklärt von : ال طالب

Zahratol_aml Folge

- New words - Base if : consists of (Genesis I) if + (verb (present simple + (result (future simple (Genesis 2) result + if + verb - comparison of adjectives :First, between two things Adjective + er + than :Second, more than two things the + Adjective + est :in big Adjective with two things more + Adjective + than :more than two things the most + Adjective

:Die Zusammenfassung bearbeitet von Zahratol_aml

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جوائز عديدة ودعم وتقدير من أفضل المؤسسات العالمية في مجال التعليم وعالم الأعمال والتأثير الإجتماعي

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